
We custom-build slitter units using the highest-quality materials. Our engineers will work with you in designing a unit that is oftentimes greatly superior to the "stock" units that come supplied with original machinery. Examples such as converting/upgrading Jagenberg units; Retrofitting Voith with Tidland; or Design and Build from scratch a slitting assembly with edge sealing.

A) Slitter unit upgrade for jagenberg with a new side load timer assembly

A) Slitter unit upgrade for jagenberg with a new side load timer assembly

B) Voith winder upgrade with Tidland Class III unit

B) Voith winder upgrade with Tidland Class III unit

C) Engineer, Design, Build stand alone slitter with Tidland edge slitting and Mario Cotta edge sealing

C) Engineer, Design, Build stand alone slitter with Tidland edge slitting and Mario Cotta edge sealing